Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Felt Tip Decemberskii

Tonight is the Felt Tip December show so come by and celebrate in the holiday cheer with us. See live paintings by Dino, Customz, Chris Valdes and myself along with doodles and scribbles by a bunch of drunk peeps on the free for all wall and photography by Baker, and Chelsea Whitaker. Also don't forget the dope tunes spun by Clint Pzwooders And last but not least..2 for 1 drinks..Cheers bitches.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Merry Christmas and all that good stuff to you and your families. Hope there will be lots of smiles, laughs, holiday food and free shit. Cheers

Shit wrong holiday..

Ho Ho Ho Bitches..

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ben and Bobby Hundreds

Its a year old but Customz showed me it and I got fuckin' inspired

Stay true to your vision

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Dumb Can Cops Be

Are you kidding me?

This is just sad..Rest in peace Douglas Zerby.
Fuck Cops

Crazy Fuckin' Canadians

Did she just say Bison?

Shit she said Bison.

Miami New Times..again

Customz and myself have yet again made the Miami New Times magazine in the Wynwood gallery for December

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ash Roth's New Mixtape

I'm not really a fan of most hip hop or rap but I do appreciate a few artists..Cudi..Kanye..Fiasco..Nas..Jigga..Roth..and Roth has shown why in his new mixtape. If you havent noticed I'm only into artists with shit worth hearing or ones who rap about the buds in interesting ways(sorry Khalifa)

King Of The Blumpkins

The Crime and Punishment

New Obey Tee..looks super fuckin' dope.

Available at Karma Loop

Who The Fuck Is Justin Bieber

Can't understand shit Ozzy is talking 'bout but we can make out one very important line he says.

Lego Black Ops

This is pretty cool

Ms Mad C

I saw this on Revok's blog and just had to repost..he also has a dope post about Israel's Broken Fingaz which are some amazing designers and graff artist. This is the final update of the Molotow 700 wall Mural Marathon. Mad C won


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hurrican Kick KO

Kid got his shit split.

Who You Funna Try?

I bet it ain't me..SLAP

Words from the Fuzz

The earth is filled to the brim with too many people who think its best to just follow the ones next to them. We need change. A sudden alter in our ever constant lifestyle. Only then will we be able to truly accept what the human mind is capable of. It's already proven that we're the smartest species on Earth..its time we started to believe it too. Innovate and create you cowards.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Customz and Myself at Awarehouse

Saturday was quite an eventful day..Customz and myself were out painting at Art Walk and as the crowd died down we moved our display to Awarehouse where Prettie Pleeze had invited us to paint for their album release party.

I want to give a huge thank you to Prettie Pleeze especially Juan for inviting us to the paint out at Awarehouse. It was a great experience, we had a blast and I hope to work with you guys again.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Felt Tip x Baru

This actually happened last week but I wasnt able to get a hold of the pictures until now. This is us Felt Tippers at Baru Urbano for the second time..only this time they actually had us seal in what we did on their walls..it was a fun experience.

P.S  To any one who is interested in either cougars or hot Colombian girls..you should go there..tis all.

Felt Tip October

Just watch it..no comment lol

Friday, December 10, 2010

Working In A Lab Sucks

Damn scientists do some cool pranks

Akuma vs Chameleon

The fight scene is hard as fuck

Ending is mad homo though

Made by Proxicide

Gil Elvgren

The greatest american pin up girl artist of all time. I believe this to be my honest opinion and also a well known fact. Gil Elvgren was incredible, having painted dozens of various pin up girls from the 1930's to the very late 1960's. The Norman Rockwell of Cheesecake.

Take a glance for yourself.

Yea he's good..Gil Elvgreen ladies and gentlemen.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Roid For Topsafe At Liberties

ROID FOR TOPSAFE AT LIBERTYS from kieran gee-finch on Vimeo.

The Graffiti Of Art Basel

Art Basel is home to various type of art and innovative creative practices but the one I still find most true to itself is the urban art of Graffiti. These are a few pics of the galore shown at Basel.

Photos Courtesy of  REVOK and many more on his blog.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm A Fuckin' House Head..Just To Let You Know..

DeadMau5 - Raise Your Weapons
Girls voice gets alittle annoying though..but still a good song regardless

Click Here For The Mau5

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You Know How She Got Her Job

Did she really just do that?

Felt Tip November Show

Sorry for the delay of this post folks but I figured it would be cooler to post this and the basel stuff together..only I havent gotten the pics I've snapped of basel yet(not having a camera sucks) so here goes the pics of the Felt Tip November show..enjoy.














